Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Windows Media (WM) Screen capturing by window handle

There is a C++ interface MS has provided to do this but in .net C# interop it's not available.

You have to use the IPropertyBag class based on it's GUID

public interface IPropertyBag
void Read(String propName, out object ptrVar, int errorLog);
void Write(string propName, ref object ptrVar);

and copy and past this code before starting

IPropertyBag ipb = (IPropertyBag)
object value = false;

ipb.Write("Screen", ref value);
ipb.Write("CaptureWindow", ref Int32OfHandler);

Also make sure when you set the handle to set the encoding also to screen capturing

object codecName;
int codec_index = 2;

for (int i = 0; i < Profile.VideoCodecCount; ++i)
lVid4cc = Profile.EnumVideoCodec(i, out codecName);

//Compare if the current codec is Windows Media Video 9 Screen
if (codecName.ToString().Equals("Windows Media Video 9 Screen"))
codec_index = i; exit for;

// Set the IWMEncAudienceObj
Audnc.set_VideoCodec(0, codec_index);


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